Friday, October 24, 2008


I remember when I was younger and I hated school and it felt like everyone was out to get you with all of their rules and the babysitting. I remember hearing more than once from adults that life gets easier as you get older. HORSE PUCKY!! Life sucks when you get older! I want to go back to the days when all I had to worry about was passing school, hanging out with my friends, keeping my room clean and working a fun part time job. Now there are bills, full time jobs, managing a home and deadlines. Sure there are the occasional fun times, but it seems like when your younger everything is fun. Life is full of bad news lately and it seems like everyone I know is coping with a divorce, a death, a sick family member or friend, kids that wont mind, relationships that are rocky and they have lost their friends because that's what happens when you get older. So if you have kids please don't tell them it gets easier, it doesn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one ever appreciates what they have until it is past. Growing up is not all it looks to be!