Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The first valley snow storm of the year always makes me remember how much I hate winter and Utah. First of all its Utah, we get snow and rain and all of those good if you dont know how to drive in it you should stay home. I swear everyone forgets how to drive over the summer. Its those people who make it stressful for the rest of to drive. Also, I love always seeing my tax dollars hard at work (NOT). You know how many plows I saw on my 25 mile journey to work......None. It always amazes me that these "surprise storms" that they talk about on the news the night before, seem to sneak up on the public works department. And let's not forget about the rude Utah people. Whatever you do dont get over so that people can actually merge onto the freeway. I mean I know its snowing and all and the lane change is like 100 times more dangerous when its snowing, but the commute would go alot better if the non-lane changers would risk their lives for a few seconds!!


Jen said...

I recently made my blog private so I added what email address I had for you so that you can view it. I used the kiester one at yahoo. I hope it works. If it doesnt, have Anna get an email of yours to me and I will do that one. Thanks.

neo said...

I think Winter is absolutely DELIGHTFUL :-)Hooray for the SNOW I love the snow! I would marry it!

It's Miller Time! said...

I feel the same way about drivers. I always laugh because it seems like everybody forgets how to drive in the snow!