I find myself wondering from time to time, how would a man live without his guy parts??? I mean really if you think about it, the thought of sex consumes most of their lives. I think about 2% of a mans brain is for other information that doesnt pertain to sex. I find myself having to repeat things that I have said several times in the past, like please pick up after yourself, and sweetie maybe you could turn the light off when your done. But as soon as I mention sex, its like a light bulb comes on and you can actually see the mans brain working. You see bumps moving across the skull while all of the motors get up and running. And it isnt like they remember what you like and what you dont like in bed, they are just happy that they are running on all cylinders. So that brings me to believe that the mans body is just for getting around. Its like Elaine said on Seinfeld "a mans body is like a jeep, it is just for getting around". So the guy parts are just driving this massive Jeep around and they control where it goes and what it thinks. And what they dont understand is that women only want a Jeep fom time to time. We want a luxury car that cradles you, gives you a smooth ride, hugs all the curves and goes where you want it to go. So ladies if you want a luxury car you better save up enough to afford one.
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