Sometimes girls just need to "Be"
Be Quiet
Be Alone
Be Ourselves
Be Happy
Be Sad
Just "Be".
Well I find this very hard to do when living with someone. Our partners are always there wanting attention and wanting you to "Be" something that you dont feel like being at the time. Like if we want to be quiet then we get the question of "Whats Wrong" or the comment "Your so ornery today". I mean what is that. Why does there always have to be talking and why do we always need to be in a good mood. I mean come on ladies, how many times have you wanted the man in your life to just "Be" quiet? You would think that us being quiet would be a good thing. I mean with all the nagging and stuff. I keep hoping someday that guys will understand the art of just "be"ing and we can live in harmony. When and if this will happen, who the heck knows. But remember next time your hear "What the f*&^ is wrong with you, just think to yourself "sometimes a girl just needs to "Be".
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