Why do men read so much into things? They say that we do it but really they should take a look at themselves for a minute. I hear all of the fights and what not that goes on in every relationship, and most of the time it is the man who is reading too much into the fight. For example we say- “I don’t want to talk right now” and they hear “I don’t want to be with you anymore”. We say “I don’t feel like putting out tonight” and they hear “Your not attracted to me anymore”. We say “I just need to spend time with the girls” and they hear “Your going out to meet someone else”. We say “I love you” and they hear “Great your putting out tonight”. I am so glad that I don’t have that translator in my ear. And do they sell a reverse translator? If they do we better be stocking up on those things in case the battery dies or it stops working.
I couldn't agree with you more.
So true! So true! I don't think will men will ever change! Ha!
Well I can assure you this goes both ways my dear :-) But it is very true
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