Everyone always makes fun of me for getting a new car every year or 2. Well that has come to an end finally and I have decided to settle on paying cash for a used car. Screw used cars!! That is all I have to say. Maybe I am just used to having a warranty and getting things taken care of that way, or even having a car without problems. Well let me tell you I have had a great time with this car that I bought. I purchased a 2000 Honda because everyone says “Honda’s run forever, you won’t have any problems with a Honda, Honda is the way to go”. Hmmmmm maybe they are talking about a different brand of Honda, or a brand new Honda. I have had noting but problems. It started about a week after I bought the car…check engine light is on…..get the code checked at Auto Zone and it is something to do with the temperature…..spend $75 to get the radiator flushed because its dirty…..light comes back on…….spend $125 to find out it is the thermostat…….spend $65 to get a new thermostat……….weird noise in the transmission…….something internal will have to take apart to fix may cost $500-$2500 depending on what’s wrong......then last night……take car to my dad because it is having a hard time starting, he asks me to start it so he can check it out and it wont start……..battery is dead in the driveway, cant take it out of gear if it doesn’t start. So I had to ask my dads neighbor to take me to Auto Zone to get a new battery…..new battery $69…..I hate used cars!!!!
That sucks! Dang, sorry to hear it. Why cant cars run forever. When are they coming out with those backpack rockets anyway??
You have had bad luck with that car for a Honda I will admit. But look at it this way even if you spent 300$ a month on repairs the entire time you own that car it would still be twice as cheap as that new car payment you were making. You know I speak the truth, listen to Dave Ramsey' take on new cars, poorest investment you can make practically. You know this I think it's time to go back to a big Ford truck :-)
I rest my case
dont you ever update your blog...
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