Life is minute you have everything and the next you feel so down. I know alot of people who are going through a rough time right now, including me, and it just isnt fair. Why do bad things happen to good people? I have always wondered that, but never as much as I do right now. I know we all have to keep our heads up and push through, but it is so hard sometimes.
I am getting ready to move back home for a while, and I am having mixed emotions about it. I know it will be a good thing, but it is so hard to go from a big house to a bedroom. But I know in the end it will be a positive thing. I just never thought I would be going home at the age of 32. Hmmm.
I got answers from the doc on my tumors and it was fairly good news. The tumor in the front is benin, and will only have to be removed if it starts causing problems with my teeth. The large tumor in my bone is a bone disease, which may get worse or it may get better, they will just monitor it.
I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and man oh man I am having a hard time with that. How can 2 people love each other so much, but not get along? That question is killing me.
Hang in there all my good people, it will get better for us all I hope.
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