Thursday, March 26, 2009

Poetry Thursday 7

You Now………….

Why did go away without warning
You left me here in a state of mourning
Because you were here my whole life through
When you were gone I didnt know what to do
I think of you everyday, your memories fill my head
I still can’t believe my best friend is dead
What do I do with my life now, who do I turn to
Who’s advise do I take now that I don’t have you
Where will I end up, who will I turn out to be
I want to be like you, but how are you today
How do I know if I am living the right way
I seem to have no future I don’t know what to do
Hopefully soon I can again see you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Well I tried to read the Twilight books and just couldnt get into them. So I didnt even finish the first book. Someone told me to watch the movie first and then try to read the books and it would be different. Well I watched the movie yesterday and I dont think it changed my mind. I couldnt get into the movie and struggled watching the full movie. The awkward acting and shiny vampires just didnt do it for me. So I guess I will not be joining the millions on the Twilight band wagon. Sorry ladies...I know a few of you like it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I just had to share a good shopping experience, because they never happen for me. I hate how I look in most everything until yesterday. I found a great tank top at American Eagle. It hides everything I want it to hide and makes me look super skinny. Yeah for this masterpiece.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Poetry Thursday.....6


Black is the color of a child’s eyes
When you hear their hurting cries
Black is the color of the street where a man was shot
But the suspect was never caught
Black is the color of the cat
That now sits where the old man sat
Black is the color of the crow on the gate
That waits when your friend is late
On the way they were killed
Onto the pavement their warm blood spilled
Black is the color of their coffin cart
But you will always remember them in your heart.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So I have been packing all week for the big move this weekend, and let me just say that moving is a joke!! I am so sick of packing and going through things, I will be happy when I am just settled in to the new place. As I have been going through things I realize that I have some sort of separation disease. I keep the weirdest things for years and years thinking that I need it or that I cant possibly get rid of it because someone gave it to me. This time I have set my mind to get rid of some things because I have to downsize. So I started a DI pile and added quite a bit to it. But before I actually took it to the DI I went through the stuff at least 3 times making sure I was making the right decision. I only took 2 things back out of it, so I guess that's good. But seriously why can't I get rid of things. Its like I am tied to them or something.
Also, for those of you who have never tried moving with a pet in the house, you should borrow one and give it a shot. My cat has been a wreck the past week or so. He is scared of everything now that things have moved. We were taking a nap on the couch the other day, and a noise scared the crap out of him. Well when he jumped up to see what it was, he ended up clawing my eye and now I have a nice black eye with a deep scratch under it. I was so mad....but it isn't like I can take it out on him. Also, packing with a cat is super fun. He is always grabbing the newspaper that I am trying to wrap with and ripping it apart, or laying on the paper that I need to use, getting in the box that I am trying to put stuff in and let's not forget getting things out of the box after it is in there. Super fun. It is funny to watch him tip his head to the side and get all confused about the new stuff popping up all over though. Last night I took my kitchen table apart and leaned the top up against the stair railing. Well that made a perfect place for him to hide. Now whenever I walk by he runs behind it and jumps out and scares me. Good times. :)
I really don't think I ever want to move again, so I will probably stay in this place until I die. Ha.

Poetry Thursday.....5

“Never Had A Chance”

I didn’t get a chance to say all the things I wanted to say
I wasn’t prepared for that grey day
When I heard what happened I didn’t think it was true
I wanted to wake up from that horrible dream of you
When I visit you now all I see is the cold ground
And when I speak you don’t make a sound
I thought you would be here my whole life through
And when I had a problem I would turn to you
But you’re gone now to a better place
All of our memories I will never erase.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Poetry Thursday....4

The Sacred Place

I saw you standing next to me with a glow on your face
I knew then you had been to the sacred place
It seems like yesterday you were mortal in form
Now you come back when my emotions are in a storm
I sat in amazement in a cold stare
Wondering how you could possibly be there
You looked so beautiful in your long gown of white
In all of my life I had never beheld such a beautiful sight
You left us in confusion of why he took you
But I guess you were the best one for the job he needed
someone special to do
You knew what was wrong and the help that I seek
You sat down beside me and began to speak
You spoke of my life like you were never away
You talked of your funeral in that grey drab day
I answered your questions and we talked for a spell
You helped me a lot and made me feel well
Then the time came for you to go back to your new home
I begged you please not to leave me alone
You said don’t worry I will always be here
Whenever you need me just pray my dear
I knew after that I had to make a new start
And now when I need you I look in my heart